My Review of Sarah Masci’s VIP Day Program
Jan 15, 2024
My Backstory
I still remember the day that I somehow stumbled upon Sarah’s free masterclass called “The Life Changing Magic of Day Rates.” As I was reading the opt-in page, I was nodding my head along to everything the page said - it’s like Sarah was talking directly to me!!
“Tired of client work that drags on forever?” YEP!
“Frustrated dealing with scope creep?” Absolutely.
“Clients taking too long to get their content ready for you?” Uh-huh.
This was back in July of 2020. Let’s rewind a few months to May of 2020: I had 16 discovery calls that were each 30 minutes long. That’s 8 HOURS of FREE discovery calls during the month. That’s on top of the time I spent having longer calls with clients after they booked a project with me, plus the time working on the projects themselves. I worked with EIGHTEEN (yes 18!!) different clients that month, with projects ranging from $85.00 to $500.00. That was not an atypical month. In June I worked with 12 clients, and July 15 clients.
I started my business back in January of 2019, then my first son was born in July of 2019. At that point, I was just feeling SO thankful that I was able to work from home and be able to be around to spend time with my baby. Before starting my business, I was a middle school teacher in Wisconsin, but when we moved across the country for my husband’s job. I knew I wanted a more flexible schedule, found freelancing, and dove right into starting my own business.
After a year and half into my business after finding success working with a variety of different clients and tasks, like social media, Pinterest, and graphic design, I started to dabble in course tech setup. I gained traction with that, and I was so thankful for the opportunity to work with so many clients and make money, but I was starting to feel burned out. Even though I had hit my highest revenue month of $6K in June 2020, it felt like I was working *every single possible second* during the day, and I knew that wasn’t going to be sustainable long term. The whole point of starting my own business was to be able to spend more time with my family, so I knew something needed to change. I just didn’t quite know how to change it.
Then I found Sarah’s masterclass and I just knew it was what I needed. After watching her masterclass, I immediately bought her program and dove into the content right away. In fact, I spent the entire weekend setting up all the behind-the-scenes tech and pitched a Kajabi VIP Day to my very next client the following week. To my surprise, he agreed and I officially got the first deposit on July 31st, 2020. I’ve only offered VIP Days since then. That means it’s been three and half years (at the time of writing this) that I’ve been doing Kajabi VIP Days, primarily setting up online courses and memberships for my clients.
If you’ve been to Sarah’s website, you may have seen my testimonial on her home page:
“I binged the program, pitched a day rate on my very next discovery call (and landed the client!)
Prior to joining, I was able to hit a 6K month, but it felt like I was working every waking minute to make that possible, which left me feeling absolutely drained. I can’t imagine going back to traditional projects. I tell everyone that asks me about VIP Days to join this program because it’s been so life-changing for me!!”
What I Love About The VIP Day Model
When Sarah says day rates are LIFE CHANGING, she is telling the truth!
- I went from an average of 10-15 clients per month to 4. Let me tell you - the mental space alone that this frees up is amazing. Struggling so many smaller projects just felt like my brain was always going. I love how much more calm and peaceful my business feels working with an average of four clients per month at a higher price instead of 10+ clients at lower prices.
- I am able to take a vacation and not have to worry about work. If I’m going to be gone, I just mark off my calendar and don’t take any VIP Days for that time. Without having to manage ongoing projects or retainer clients, taking some extra time off is stress-free.
- I’ve increased my revenue while working *way* less hours. With each VIP Day client at my current rate of $1800 USD per day, that’s about 10 hours per day between the prep work ahead of time, call with the client, and the VIP Day itself.
- It is the BEST feeling to stay hyper-focused on a project in a short amount of time, get it completed, and mentally check it off the list. When projects would drag on for weeks, or even months, in the past, I would get so mentally fatigued. It felt like my brain was constantly “on” - not to mention all the time wasted by constantly switching between projects. With the VIP Day format, my clients get my undivided attention on a project, which leads to a high-quality end-result in the least amount of time possible.
In the past three and a half years, I’ve never once wanted to go back to traditional projects. I am still loving the VIP Day model, but just as importantly, my clients love the VIP Day model. They love how fast and efficient the entire process is. And I love that I get to work less hours and make more money while still making a positive impact in my clients’ businesses.
What I Love About Sarah’s Program
- Everything you need to get started! As I mentioned before, I binged Sarah’s entire VIP Day program in one weekend. One of the best parts about this program is that it includes EVERYTHING you need to get started. Her videos walk you step-by-step through the VIP Day creation process, plus she answers all the questions you might have, like what to do when a client doesn’t submit their prep work to you or how to handle rescheduling VIP Days. She breaks down her tech stack and shows you exactly what you need to set up to start accepting VIP Day clients. I loved having a blueprint to follow that I knew was proven and worked.
- Templates and swipe files galore! This ties into the first bullet point, but there are swipe files for emails, social media, client workbooks, and so much more. I saved SO much time when I was first starting out with VIP Days not having to reinvent the wheel.
- Sarah is the best cheerleader out there! Her mantra of “Do it messy” has stuck with me all of these years and served me so well in my business. Having permission to take action, even when things aren’t perfect, is what has led me to achieve the success that I desired.
- The VIP Day Collective Student Community is perfecting for connecting with others & getting your questions answered. If you’re looking for referral partners to collaborate with or have any questions about your specific business and situation, this is the place to ask it!
If you’ve been nodding your head along to everything I’m saying, then you absolutely need to enter Sarah’s world and learn more about VIP Days!
Join the Launch Your VIP Day Workshop for Only $27!
Do you love the idea of VIP Days, but not sure where to start? Need help figuring out a VIP Day offer for your business and how to price it? Wondering how (or who!) to pitch a VIP Day to?
You need Sarah’s 4-Day LIVE Workshop! It’s happening January 22nd-25th, with replays available until February 2nd. I whole-heartedly endorse this workshop and Sarah’s teaching and coaching - it has truly transformed my life.
To sign up with my affiliate link, just click here!
Have questions? I always love talking about VIP Days! Just email me at [email protected]
Interested in learning more about how you can get your Kajabi course or membership set up in one day?
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